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in the raw

As beloved ingredients since 1970, we needed a voice that's obsessively proud & committed to nothing else. Hence, "no nonsense" natural sweeteners. It is always, & we mean always, about how good our sugars are. 

( Sound on !!! )

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Prepare to have your tastebuds stimulated. If you're into that kind of thing. Featuring In The Raw packets. 

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Sit down. And shush. Just enjoy every mouthwatering way the cookie crumbles. 🍪 Made with All-Purpose In The Raw. 

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Get ready for the satisfaction of four perfect scoops. 

✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

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Something about our sugar isn't just alluring, it's downright titillating. You're welcome, from Sugar In The Raw. 

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No need to resist ripping. Savor every sweet electrifying second... Of opening Stevia In The Raw. 

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From now on, our stress-relief is sugar-based. It will always include Sugar In The Raw. 

( Different titlecard because stevia isn't "natural."

They're very sensitive about it. )

"It's What's Inside That Counts" product videos

Copy-driven social posts 

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90% of purses, handbags, and clutches contain at least one of our little brown packets. That’s practically fact. 👜

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We’d like to formally apologize for our word choice. But Agave In The Raw is just that damn good.

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People have been stockpiling our sweetener since 1970. We get it, you can never have enough.

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Espresso, cappuccino, flat white, gas station, day old, even decaf. We don’t judge, we sweeten. ☕☕☕☕☕☕☕


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Yep. It's raw, organic, and unfiltered. So why ruin such a sweet, honest headline with a bee 🐝 pun in the caption?

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Because All-Purpose In The Raw can do everything sugar can do. Only it’s zero calories too. Mic drop. 🎤

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Yeah, Honey In The Raw might be a little basic on the bottle. But why disguise this level of deliciousness?  🚫 🐻 🚫

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Coffee shops are so sweet on our stevia, they gave it a nickname...order up for Steve In The Raw.


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It's 100% agave nectar that we put in a bottle. We mean, how would it not be good? 

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